Roots & Derivatives1) Duc(t), Duce (to lead): Conduct, reduce, education, abduct, deductive, ductile, induction, deduce.
2) Fed(er), fide(e) (faith, trust): Federal, confidence, affidavit, infidel, bona fide, confide, confederate
3) Fine(e) (end, limit): Finish, confine, define, infinitesimal, affinity, infinity, finial
4) Flect, Flex (to bend): Deflect, reflex, reflector, flexibility, genuflect, flexor
Word List
1) Aqueduct: A large pipe or other conduit made to bring water from a great distance.
The Romans were one of the first empires with aqueducts.
2) Conductive: Tending to lead, help, assist, or result in.
Male lions tend to be quite conductive for they must assist other pride members through their obstacles.
3) Definitive: A completely accurate, reliable, and authoritative; decisive or conclusive.
His testimony proved to be definitive evidence in court.
4) Fidelity: A faithfulness to one's promises or obligations; steadfast faithfulness, technological faithfulness.
My mother has always shown fidelity in her promises.
5) Fiduciary: An individual who holds something in trust for another; a trustee.
We used a mutual friend as our fiduciary for our wager.
6) Finale: A "grand" conclusion, as of a performance; the last scene of a play.
After the finale all the actors came out and took a bow during a final applause.
7) Finite: A limited or bordered by time or by any measurement; measurable.
There is a finite number of oil as countries continue to fight for renewable energy.
8) Flexuous: Winding in and out; bending or wavering.
The young sapling was quite flexuous during the storm.
9) Inducement: Anything used or given to persuade or motivate; an incentive.
With the promise of a money as inducement my parents could make me do anything.
10) Inflection: A slight change in tone or modulation of the voice, as in a point of emphasis.
In an attempt to foreshadow what would happen next I changed my inflection for certain words in the story.
11) Perfidious: Characteristic of one who would intentionally betray a faith or trust; treacherous.
I never try to be perfidious as I love to keep promises.
12)Traduce: To speak falsely of; to slander or defame; to disgrace another's good name; to vilify.
Hitler traduced the Jews in the 1930's
Tank Man

Stand up for what is right, even if you're the only one standing
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Diction Worksheets
Low or informal diction:
Example of Jargon: Awash; I only climbed on the spare spar
Elevated language or formal diction:
1.a).phosphorescent: of or relating to a type of light that glows softly in the dark and that does not produce heat
b).cadaverous: looking very thin & pale; resembling a corpse
c).elusive: hard to find or capture; hard to understand, define, or remember
The side of the ship made a fuzzy belt of shadow on the darkling glassy shimmer of the sea. I saw at once something extended and white floating very close to the ladder. Before I could form a guess a small flash of shimmering light, which seemed to issue suddenly from the naked body of a man, flickered in the sleeping water with the quiet, quiet play of summer lighting in a night sky. With a gasp I saw revealed to my stare a pair of feet, the long legs, a broad livid back shot right up to my neck in a greenish pale glow. As he hung by the ladder, like a resting swimmer, the sea lighting played about his limbs at every spin, and he appeared in it terrible, silvery, fishlike.
3. Elevated language allows the passage to have a deeper meaning to its details and message. Paraphrased language opens up the passage to be understood by a broader audience.
Abstract & concrete diction:
4.a saw
5.The authors chose to leave everything nameless to get the readers thinking and on their toes on who said what. Also, no names would allow readers to believe they are the nameless person since a title isn't in place.
Denotation & connotation:
6. The Secret Sharer denotation is defined as, a person who shares their possessions mysteriously or hides it from everyone else
Denotation- looking very thin or pale
Connotation- mysterious eerie
D-in the dark
C- object that prefers the dark lurks there
D-light skinned
C-ghostly near death
D-luminescence that is caused by the absorption of radiations
C-few lights, eerie
D-very shocking or horrible
C- terrifying supernatural
D-having no head
C-mindless or can't think the subconscious
D-acting or feeling like the characteristics of a fish
C-an object coming from the sea wet
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Latin Roots #6
Roots and Derivatives
Corp(or): body, corpse
Cred: to believe, to trust, credo
Cur(r), Curs, course: to run, to flow, current
Dic(t): to speak, to say, diction
Word List
Benediction: the invocation of a divine blessing, as at the close of a religious service; a blessing or state of blessedness. / I received a benediction before the big game.
Concourse: a running or flowing together; a broad public walkway or hallway; a crowd or throng./ Women stare at me whenever I walk through the concourse.
Concurrent: occuring at the same time; meeting or acting together./ My game is concurrent with my mock trial practice.
Corporal: related to the physical body./ I have a corporal bruise on my left thigh.
Corpulent: very stout; fleshy and obese; fat./ My cousin has a thing for corpulent women.
Credibility: the quality of being believable or trustworthy./ I have an immense amount of credibility among my friends.
Credulity: the (naive) willingness to believe too easily without proof./ In sixth grade I suffered from credulity as I believed everything I saw on the internet.
Cursory: done in a superficial or hasty manner./ Girls at my school cursedly whip their hair towards me.
Dictum: an authoritative saying or maxim./ God has the final dictum on many of the worlds religions.
Incorporate: to form into one body or fuctioning unit; to combine several different things into a whole./ I try to incorporate nonviolence in my lifestyle.
Incredulous: not believing, skeptical, or doubting./ My mom is incredulous about whatever I do she doesn't fully trust me.
Indicative: characteristic of or very much like; suggestive./ I have an indicative ideas as I always suggest to my friends how to handle a situation.
Corp(or): body, corpse
Cred: to believe, to trust, credo
Cur(r), Curs, course: to run, to flow, current
Dic(t): to speak, to say, diction
Word List
Benediction: the invocation of a divine blessing, as at the close of a religious service; a blessing or state of blessedness. / I received a benediction before the big game.
Concourse: a running or flowing together; a broad public walkway or hallway; a crowd or throng./ Women stare at me whenever I walk through the concourse.
Concurrent: occuring at the same time; meeting or acting together./ My game is concurrent with my mock trial practice.
Corporal: related to the physical body./ I have a corporal bruise on my left thigh.
Corpulent: very stout; fleshy and obese; fat./ My cousin has a thing for corpulent women.
Credibility: the quality of being believable or trustworthy./ I have an immense amount of credibility among my friends.
Credulity: the (naive) willingness to believe too easily without proof./ In sixth grade I suffered from credulity as I believed everything I saw on the internet.
Cursory: done in a superficial or hasty manner./ Girls at my school cursedly whip their hair towards me.
Dictum: an authoritative saying or maxim./ God has the final dictum on many of the worlds religions.
Incorporate: to form into one body or fuctioning unit; to combine several different things into a whole./ I try to incorporate nonviolence in my lifestyle.
Incredulous: not believing, skeptical, or doubting./ My mom is incredulous about whatever I do she doesn't fully trust me.
Indicative: characteristic of or very much like; suggestive./ I have an indicative ideas as I always suggest to my friends how to handle a situation.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Literature Ananlysis #2
1: The novel begins with a vivid description of the cold dark bleak barren post apocalyptic world the man and the boy find themselves in. In order to survive the harsh freezing ashy winter, the man and the boy must head south. The path the duo must take to head south is the road, a seemingly endless highway filled with danger at every corner, including boters small war bands and even cannibals. The man and the boy struggle everyday just to not die of hunger and thirst. As they progress through their journey they encounter horrible experiences that will scar them for the rest of their lives. For example the boy gets a knife to his throat carried by a man part of a small army band. The boys father shoots the man but leaves his son very traumatized. Another gruesome scene they encounter is they see a group of people trapped in a basement half chopped up waiting to be eaten by other people. However, even the gruesome scenes they encounter and the dangerous experiences they face are nothing compared to the constant pains of starvation they face nearly every day. Only their love for each other brings the man and his so back from the brink of death and allows both of them to continue fighting on. Eventually the journey takes them south to a beach. At the beach the mans health decreases quick most likely from the cool ocean breeze. The boy realizes his father doesn't have much time and begins to mentally prepare for life after his death. After a long journey of numerous miles the fateful day comes where the man can't continue on. The boy is devastated and pleads to die with his father, however the man doesn't allow it saying he'll keep living in the desolate world. When the boy asks how, the man reveals to him that he has the fire inside him that will keep him going. After his death, the boy continues sorrowfully until he gets accepted in a small community where he most likely survived. The man did his job and made big sacrifices in order for his son to survive and it paid off.
2: I believe the theme of this novel was you must find your inner fire in order to keep walking the road. What this means, in life there will be obstacles, troubles, times when you feel insignificant, lonely and you'll wish to hide and escape from life. The thing that will help you overcome these troubles must be your inner fire. Your inner fire can be anything, a person, a religion, a philosophy, a job, a sport, a hobby. An inner life is anything that you love that will wake you up in the morning and make you feel happy to feel alive. It's essential for all people to find their own fire so they cannot get discouraged or frightened by life and all its troubles in order to continue walking on the metaphorical road of life. Cormac McCarthy chose this theme as a way to inspire or encourage people to keep moving forward. Furthermore Cormac McCarthy doesn't want us to lose this inner fire or else we will stop moving forward or maybe even backward on the road.
3: The protagonist of the book is the man. He is a static character. From the start of the novel until the day of his death the man is a cautious paranoid, loving, sacrificing to his boy. I believe he had to keep these characteristics because without them both would have perished in their journey. The man saved them from multiple situations by having these characteristics. Another major character is the boy. The boy is the man's son and he is the reason the man never gives up. The boy I believe is a dynamic character, he matures throughout the novel and begins to realize just how cruel people can be. He learns to accept suffering is a part of their lives and uses what he learned from his father to keep moving forward.
4: The symbol of this book as I said before is the fire. In a literal sense the fire is what keeps the man and boy alive with its heat and warmth. The fire also represent the inner drive, determination, and love that keeps the man and boy able to survive. In the novel the fire is used to express the love between father and son and how they are the only light they see in a cold hopeless, post apocalyptic world.
5: The book appealed to me with positive reviews from my classmates. They recommended it to me. The man and boys determination and heart made me continue reading this novel. I felt inspired by their battles and wanted to find out if their struggles paid off.
6: I found numerous connections in the novel. I connected the road with life itself and fire with our dreams and passions. I believed the man strongly resembled my grandfather. They were both cautious but also caring to those that they loved. Both also were extremely sacrificial my grandpa has given everything to his children and grandchildren. The boy represented any child because he was curious and had an unnatural optimism of the world. I believe every child is born with this but is lost at innocence in life.
7: I will always remember the idea of the inner fire that we all must carry. I will use this to continue on in life and overcome any obstacles I will face. Here is a passage of the man on his deathbed.
"Is it real? The Fire?
Yes it is.
Where is it? I don't know where it is?
Yes you do. It's inside of you. It was always there. I can see it."
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Greek Drama Questions
1. What kind of prize is given for dancing choruses of worshippers? A bull or a goat was the prize given.
2. How many spectators would gather in the open-air theater of Dionysos?
2. How many spectators would gather in the open-air theater of Dionysos?
As many as fourteen thousand spectators would gather in the open-air theater of Dionysos.
3. How did the mask affect the voices of the actors? The masks had mouthpieces that made the actors' voices louder, making it easier for the entire audience to hear.
3. How did the mask affect the voices of the actors? The masks had mouthpieces that made the actors' voices louder, making it easier for the entire audience to hear.
4. Why was Antigone suspenful to viewing audiences?Antigone was suspenseful to the audiences because they already knew what was going to happen while the actors didn't and the audience would try to unsuccessfully warn the actors of the problems they would face.
5. How is the sheperd to leave the infant on the mountainside? The sheperd was suppose to leave the infant on a lonely mountainside with its ankles pinned together, but luckily the infant took pity and let someone raise the baby.
6. What is the riddle the Sphinx gave to Oedipus? The riddle the Sphinx gave to Oedipus was, "what creature goes on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"
7. Who are Oedipus' kids?Oedipus' kids are Polyneices, Eteocles, Antigone, and Ismene.
8. After Oedipus is exiled, who takes over Thebes?After Oedipus was exiled Creon took over Thebes.
6. What is the riddle the Sphinx gave to Oedipus? The riddle the Sphinx gave to Oedipus was, "what creature goes on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"
7. Who are Oedipus' kids?Oedipus' kids are Polyneices, Eteocles, Antigone, and Ismene.
8. After Oedipus is exiled, who takes over Thebes?After Oedipus was exiled Creon took over Thebes.
9. What did the family do to the body? After death, the family closed the dead person's eyes and mouth and began to prepare the body for the prĂ³thesis, the wake. The women of the house washed the body and dressed it in white or in wedding clothes. Then they placed the body on a bier making sure that the feet pointed toward the door and sprinkled it with herbs to make the evil spirits go away. Then the men would enter, their right arms raised high in the air. When the closest relative reached out and held the dead persons head with both hands, the other mourners began to beat their faces and tear their hair. They also wailed and sang to wind pipes.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Everyone deserves a proper burial. It is essential for the human body and soul to be given justice after you have passed away. My uncle refuses to allow anyone to bury my beloved brother. Now I must risk everything in order to give my brothers body respect.
My only objective is to bring my dead brother honor. I will commence with a proper strategy of how I shall go into the city dump to retrieve my brother. First the bringing of guards to their senses will let me get his body. They will be explained how leaving my brother out in a field to rot is an inhumane punishment to allow. I will persuade them into believing by letting me enter the dump it will show display benign characteristics and show they display a benevolent attitude towards humanity. Once inside I will rush to locate the position of my rotting brothers corpse. After I've found it I will begin to start digging into the soil with any tools I can find at the dump. I will continue digging until I have an adequate depth for my brothers body where I will seal him in any casket or tub I may find at the depth and insert his body into the Earth.
When my brother shall be in the soil I will get one last glance at him so I may receive a memory that would allow me to reminisce about our sibling relationship. Once I'm done, I will begin to quickly try to make the dirt swallow up his remains. The moment when at last he's properly buried I will say one final prayer directed for my brother and quickly set off to live a life numerous miles away far away from the tyrant that is my uncle. I may get caught for my actions but I shall die content for giving my brother the symbolically correct way to depart from life.
My only objective is to bring my dead brother honor. I will commence with a proper strategy of how I shall go into the city dump to retrieve my brother. First the bringing of guards to their senses will let me get his body. They will be explained how leaving my brother out in a field to rot is an inhumane punishment to allow. I will persuade them into believing by letting me enter the dump it will show display benign characteristics and show they display a benevolent attitude towards humanity. Once inside I will rush to locate the position of my rotting brothers corpse. After I've found it I will begin to start digging into the soil with any tools I can find at the dump. I will continue digging until I have an adequate depth for my brothers body where I will seal him in any casket or tub I may find at the depth and insert his body into the Earth.
When my brother shall be in the soil I will get one last glance at him so I may receive a memory that would allow me to reminisce about our sibling relationship. Once I'm done, I will begin to quickly try to make the dirt swallow up his remains. The moment when at last he's properly buried I will say one final prayer directed for my brother and quickly set off to live a life numerous miles away far away from the tyrant that is my uncle. I may get caught for my actions but I shall die content for giving my brother the symbolically correct way to depart from life.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar
A. This video's category was informative and faintly persuasive. Mr. Safren Foer really provided a lot of facts and knowledge on his book and the food we consume. His responses were concise and to the point. It was persuasive in that Mr. Safren Foer hoped for a change in the way we look at the food we eat and hopefully would make small changes in what we looked for in our food.
E. All in all, the webinar we had the opportunity to see was a great experience. The content mostly revolved around Jonathan Safren Foer decision in becoming a vegetarian and why he decided to make that choice. The questions did pertain a bit too much to only one aspect of his book. I did feel we missed on opportunities to delve into the more profound aspects of the book. However, there were a couple of good questions asked and I thoroughly enjoyed Mr.Safren Foer's responses as they were witty informative and at times funny.
F. I. One of the moments that stood out for me during the seminar was when Safren Foer tried explaining to us that his reason for writing the book was not to convert anyone to become vegetarians. He wrote the book in order to open peoples eyes of people on the treatment of animals on animal farms. Safren Foer's intent was to allow us to become more conscious on the food we eat and how we should choose our food especially our meat.
F. II. Another moment that I found educational and made me question my ethics was when we read an excerpt from his book called "A case for eating dogs." In this excerpt Safren Foer brings to light the hypocrisy on why we don't eat dogs even though they can be a great food source, and what's the reason we eat other animals. Safren Foer challenged the idea of dogs being the only smart domestic animal by saying cows chickens are just as smart as dogs and other animals like the pig have higher mental capacities. In the excerpt SAfren Foer joked about the idea of dog slaughterhouses and how we would have humane slaughtering's but we wouldn't care about how they were treated during their lifetimes. This really inspired me to begin to contemplate on how the animals in my food are treated.
F.III. My favorite moment came from the seminar. I was talking face to face with the critically world renown author Jonathan Safren Foer. There I said someone else's question that basically said wouldn't being a vegetarian be less affordable. Safren Foer gave a great reply by saying, " being a vegetarian would be more affordable, haven't you ever tried rice and beans." I had no idea if this was a witty satiric joke or just a coincidence but I found it very humorous since I'm a Hispanic and regularly consume rice and beans. It was a moment I will not forget in a while, being accidently made fun of by a world renown author.
2. This video can help me in my everyday life. I can apply my knowledge that I received from hearing the webinar and use in deciding what I put into my body. I must be open to new ideas and these ideas revealed to me just how unjust are society is to numerous domestic animals in their lives. I believe I'm an enthusiastic proponent of nonviolence. I usually only apply to people in general and how I should handle situations. However, maybe nonviolence may need to extend to these farm animals as they are intelligent creatures. At least a fair no suffering life must be given to these animals. This definitely opened a new perspective in me and I will use this new perspective in making more conscious food choices.
E. All in all, the webinar we had the opportunity to see was a great experience. The content mostly revolved around Jonathan Safren Foer decision in becoming a vegetarian and why he decided to make that choice. The questions did pertain a bit too much to only one aspect of his book. I did feel we missed on opportunities to delve into the more profound aspects of the book. However, there were a couple of good questions asked and I thoroughly enjoyed Mr.Safren Foer's responses as they were witty informative and at times funny.
F. I. One of the moments that stood out for me during the seminar was when Safren Foer tried explaining to us that his reason for writing the book was not to convert anyone to become vegetarians. He wrote the book in order to open peoples eyes of people on the treatment of animals on animal farms. Safren Foer's intent was to allow us to become more conscious on the food we eat and how we should choose our food especially our meat.
F. II. Another moment that I found educational and made me question my ethics was when we read an excerpt from his book called "A case for eating dogs." In this excerpt Safren Foer brings to light the hypocrisy on why we don't eat dogs even though they can be a great food source, and what's the reason we eat other animals. Safren Foer challenged the idea of dogs being the only smart domestic animal by saying cows chickens are just as smart as dogs and other animals like the pig have higher mental capacities. In the excerpt SAfren Foer joked about the idea of dog slaughterhouses and how we would have humane slaughtering's but we wouldn't care about how they were treated during their lifetimes. This really inspired me to begin to contemplate on how the animals in my food are treated.
F.III. My favorite moment came from the seminar. I was talking face to face with the critically world renown author Jonathan Safren Foer. There I said someone else's question that basically said wouldn't being a vegetarian be less affordable. Safren Foer gave a great reply by saying, " being a vegetarian would be more affordable, haven't you ever tried rice and beans." I had no idea if this was a witty satiric joke or just a coincidence but I found it very humorous since I'm a Hispanic and regularly consume rice and beans. It was a moment I will not forget in a while, being accidently made fun of by a world renown author.
2. This video can help me in my everyday life. I can apply my knowledge that I received from hearing the webinar and use in deciding what I put into my body. I must be open to new ideas and these ideas revealed to me just how unjust are society is to numerous domestic animals in their lives. I believe I'm an enthusiastic proponent of nonviolence. I usually only apply to people in general and how I should handle situations. However, maybe nonviolence may need to extend to these farm animals as they are intelligent creatures. At least a fair no suffering life must be given to these animals. This definitely opened a new perspective in me and I will use this new perspective in making more conscious food choices.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Latin Roots #5
- cent(i)- hundred; century centipede, centennial
- cid(e)- cut kill; homicide suicide circumcise scissors
- clam, claim-cry out declare; clamor exclaim proclaim
- cord, cour-heart; accord encouraged, courage
- bicentennial-a celebration of two hundred years, lasting 200 years/ My bicentennial will be in 2198.
- centenarian- a person who has lived to be a hundred years old/ My great grandma was a centenarian, she lived to be 103 years old.
- centurion- a roman soldier in charge of 100 men, military mind/ Alexander was a centurion he had a great military mind.
- clamorous- continuous loud and complaining voices, insistent/ It seems in the middle east all we here is continuous loud and complaining clashes.
- concise- brief and to the point/ I always try to be concise in my responses.
- concordance-condition of harmony or agreement; an alphabetical index from writers work/ I hope one day the entire world can be in concordance.
- cordial-of the heart amiable/ My family tends to stray away from cordial messages.
- discordant- harsh or inharmonious, clashing/ My neighbor tends to have discordant remarks whenever I walk on his lawn.
- genocide- the systematic extermination of an ethnic group/ The Nazis attempt to exterminate the jews is one of the more well known genocide.
- incisive- keenly penetrating, cutting into/ My bike left an incisive mark on my knee when I fell.
- proclamation-official statement or announcement that informs or honors/ So far Barack Obama's promises in his first proclamation to the American people haven't been met.
- reclaim- to claim again; to restore to former importance/ Detroit is a city that badly needs a reclaimation project.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Latin Roots #4
- bon, boun-good; bonus bounty, bountiful, bonify, boon, bon voyage, bonhomie
- capit, capt-head, chief, leader; capital captain, capitalize, decapitate, per capita, capitol
- carn(I)-flesh; carnal; carnality, carnival, carnation
- ced(e), ceed, cess-go, yield, surrender; recede, proceed, success, concede, exceed, procession
- accession-the attainment of a certain rank or dignity; an increase by means of something added; the act of becoming joined/ I still not have reached my popular accession in high school because it is not much of a concern to me.
- bona fide-in good faith; genuine/ My grandma is a bona fide good person, she always tries to help people and improve their days.
- bonanza-a sudden or unexpected source of money or riches; a windfall/ Adding Alaska to the union brought the US a bonanza of resources and money.
- bounteous-inclined to be generous; plentiful and abundant/ My mother has always tried to teach me to be bounteous and sharing what I get and helping the poor.
- capitulation-a surrendering, usually upon prearranged terms or conditions, a final give up/ If Japan's capitulation had come sooner, perhaps the atomic bomb dropping could've been avoided.
- carnage-a great slaughter, as in a battle/ The battle of Antietam of the civil war brought the most carnage in any single day in American history.
- carnivorous-flesh-eating, as an animal/ The lion is a carnivorous animal, heeding on animals such as zebras, wildebeests, and impalas.
- incarnate-literally in the flesh, in bodily form, personified, flesh-colored/ Bad cholesterol is an incarnate hereditary I luckily wasn't born with.
- intercede-to act on another's behalf to meditate/ Buddha always interceded to solve his problems.
- precedent-a previous act or decision taken as a valid model, having gone before/ My sister set the precedent for getting good grades in my nuclear family, and set the example for me to follow.
- recapitulation-a brief repetition, a summary as of what has been said/ His recapitulation on what the teacher had just said really clarified any questions I had.
- reincarnation-a thing that is reborn, or comes into being although perhaps in a different bodily form/ Hindus believe in constant reincarnation as part of their religion.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Literature Analysis Number One The Kite Runner
The Kite Runner 1.Briefly summarize the plot of the novel you read according to the elements of plot you've learned in past courses (exposition, inciting incident, etc.).
The exposition of the novel begins with the descriptions of Amir and Hassan's lifestyle and relationship. They were born best friends with very different lifestyles. Amir lives in an extravagant mansion with his wealthy father Baba, a proud man who exuberates confidence and is the life of the party. Hassan is Amir's servant who lives in a hut outside of Amir's house. Hassan's father is a humble man named Ali who has a limp right leg and has half his face paralyzed. Hassan is also loved tremendously by Baba but doesn't get the same benefits from him or society because he is a Hazara, a ethnic minority in Afghanistan. Amir and Hassan fed from the same breast as infants, which solidified their relationship from birth. Amir and Hassan do everything together, however Amir never sees Hassan as his equal because of their differences in wealth, social class, and most importantly race. Amir constantly mocks Hassan in subtle ways and especially jokes with Hassan's illiteracy. Even through all that Hassan displays unwavering loyalty and always is at Amir's side backing him up and defending him. The inciting incident begins in the aftermath of the kite tournament Amir wins. After Amir wins Hassan runs a kite for the last kite cut in the tournament as a trophy for Amir. Eventually Hassan gets the kite but something terrible happens to him after he refuses to give up the kite. Amir watches the whole thing in horror, but doesn't help his friend. From then on their relationship goes south, and Amir goes on living his life with a tremendous guilt. Not even a good wife and job in America frees him from his path. Eventually only returning to his homeland and fixing the problem he could've stopped free his mind and body from the terrible guilt that had infused in him since the day of the kite tournament.
2. Succinctly describe the theme of the novel. Avoid clichés (Why did your author choose to write about this topic, person or event?).
The theme of the novel was I believe, the past is inescapable. No matter how hard you try to run away or hide from the past it will always find a way to seep back into you. The past is like a microchip permanently embedded into your conscious. The mistakes made in the past cannot be forgotten and must be repaired. Throughout the novel Amir attempted to completely forget about his inability to rescue Hassan, his servant best friend from being raped. No matter how hard he tried that vivid memory haunted him throughout his life. Only after he helped Hassan's son later in the novel did he feel content with his life and at peace. The author Khaled Hosseini wrote about this topic because every human being has made mistakes and has hurt other people, things or even themselves. Mistakes we've made in the past such as saying a rude derogatory comment to a person or group of people , breaking a friends promise, or failing to live up to your expectations live on deep down inside of us. People bury their negative side of their past deep into their conscious and try to convince themselves their past never occurred. All people suffer from this ignorance that time heals all wounds, however, if you don't make amends or repair your past, your mistakes and guilt will keep gnawing at you and make you feel discontent or with your life.
3.Why did you choose this book? What about the book appealed to you the first time it came to your attention (and how did it come to your attention)? What about the book made you want to keep reading once you began?
In all truthfulness, the reason I choose this book had to be the cover. On the cover I saw a picture of a mosque and I knew the book had to be about Muslims or take part in the middle east. I wanted to expand my cultural awareness by reading about the traditions and people in that part of the world. The book made me want to keep reading it for the reason that it did not stray away from controversial topics and instead they were addressed in this novel. For example; rape, racism, class inequality, war, and even suicide are events that occur in this book. I also enjoyed how it allowed me to appreciate profoundly what I have in my life and to question my way of my treatment of others.
4.Did you find the book realistic? Did you make any connections between people/events you read about and people/events in your own life? Why or (if you didn’t) why not?
I found this book incredibly realistic and accurate with events and tragedies that have occurred in Afghanistan. Even though the book is fiction it can be relatable to the numerous people who escaped Afghanistan and the horrors of war of the Taliban and other extremist groups. I did find multiple connections with people or events in this novel. For example, Baba was Amir's father in the novel and he was a man with a towering personality who was the life of the party anywhere he went. He reminded me of my father, who also has an enormous, fun loving, boisterous personality and also becomes the focal point of attention at any game, family gathering or party. Another example of a connection I discovered, was by the character of Ali, Baba and Amir's servant. He was a very humble man of simple origins who was grateful for anything and everything in his life. I found similarities between him and my grandfather on my moms side. My grandfather just like Ali is very happy for what he has in his life, I've also never heard him brag about any of his accomplishments or talents to anyone. On the negative side I've found some worrisome similarities between Amir's treatment of Hassan and my treatment of others. In the early stages of the novel Amir thinks of Hassan as inferior for being illiterate and thinks of him as unintelligent. At times I also think of people in lower classes than I as being on a lower level than and I think to highly of myself. This bias to certain people must stop in order for myself to be a better overall person.
The authors tone in the novel was disapproving. For example the protagonist brings in his past and what happens in the present as something that never should have occurred or shouldn't be happening.
"In the end I ran, I ran because I was a coward and I was scared of what Assef might do to me."
"I was sorry, but I didn't cry, and I didn't chase the car. I watched as the car pulled away taking with it the person whose first word was my name."
"And they call themselves Muslims he whispered."
6. Describe a minimum of ten literary elements/techniques (figurative language/symbolism/imagery/ allusions, etc.) you observed that strengthened your understanding of the author's purpose, the text's theme and/or your sense of the tone. For each, please include textual support to help illustrate the point for your readers (include page numbers).
1.Symbolism- "Right now I'm going to run that blue kite for you"(pg.66) Kite running symbolized Hassan's and Amir's relationship after that fateful last kite run by Hassan their relationship went horribly bad.
2.Allusion: "Rostam mortally wounds his valiant menace Sohrab, only to discover that Sohrab is his long last son"(pg.29) This allusion is mentioned countless times throughout the novel as it was Hassan's favorite story Amir read to him. The story would later symbolize Rostam as Amir and Sohrab as Hassan.
3. "People say that eyes are windows to the soul."(pg.8)A great metaphor that showed how important it was to look into Ali's face because he was paralyzed.
4.Simile "Flanked by his obeying friends, he walked through the neighborhood like a Khan strolling through the land with his eager to please entourage." This figurative language is used to describe how Assef and his crew looked strolling the neighborhood streets.
5.Hyperbole "Lore has it my dad once wrestled a black bear in Baluchistan with his bare hands." This exaggeration is used to show the readers how powerful and respected Baba was in his community ad how people imagined what he was capable of.
6.Personification "The past claws it's way out." (pg.1)This use of personification revealed to the reader how the past always seems to seep back into our lives.
7.Situational Irony "Except Baba stunned me by saying, 'I forgive you." (pg.105) Hassan just admitted to saying he stole Amir's watch(although it was Amir who framed him) and Baba forgives him immediately instead of what I thought he'd become furious at.
8. Dramatic Irony "Did something happen to him, Amir Sagha, something he's not telling me"(pg.81)
Ali has no idea what has occurred to his son and I knew the horrible thing that occurred to him, that Amir isn't telling Ali.
9. Imagery "...a face like a Chinese doll, his flat broad nose and slanting narrow eyes that looked gold green even sapphire..." This use of imagery gave us a vivid picture of Hassan's appearance.
10. Repetition "For you a thousand times over." (pg. 371)This line is repeated numerous times throughout the novel and displays Hassan's loyalty to Amir and later Amir's devotion to Sohrab, Hassan's son.
1. Describe two examples of direct characterization and two examples of indirect characterization. Why does the author use both approaches, and to what end (i.e., what is your lasting impression of the character as a result)?
Two examples of direct characterization and indirect characterization can be exemplified by Hassan. An example of direct characterization comes in the description of Hassan. The author describes him as having a round face, looking like a Chinese doll with his flat nose and narrow green eyes. The author also points out the only mistake is Hassan's face his cleft lip. Another example of direct characterization was when Sanuaber Hassan's mother gave birth to him it was a simple affair no pain and his mom didn't need much help. The novel sums up the birth and Hassan's personality with this quote, "Even in birth Hassan was true to his nature and he was incapable of hurting anyone." An example of indirect characterization that emphasized Hassan's loyalty to Amir was the difference in first words. Amir's was Baba and Hassan's first word was Amir. Another prime example of indirect characterization in explaining what type of character Hassan was when Hassan protected Amir from taking a beating from Assef and his friends. Assef was about to pound Amir for housing Hazara's but Hassan stood up to them three against one and protected Amir by threatening to use his slingshot.
My impression of Hassan after reading this novel was he was the greatest companion anybody can ask for. He displayed unwavering loyalty to Amir and adored him as a role model and friend. Hassan defended Amir without hesitation and I believe Hassan would be the type of person to take a bullet for you even if he faintly knew you.
2. Does the author's syntax and/or diction change when s/he focuses on character? How? Example(s)?
The author diction does change throughout the novel. Their is a profound difference in how the author conveys Amir and his illiterate servant Hassan. Amir possesses an advanced vocabulary while Hassan doesn't necessarily posses a low vocabulary, however its not on the same level as Amir's and his responses are usually short and respectful. For example this difference in diction can be exemplified by the following excerpt in the novel, where Amir plays a cruel joke on Hassan by intentionally giving him a wrong definition to a word.
"What does that word mean?"
"Which one?"
"Well everyone in my school knows what it means" I said. "Lets see imbecile means smart, intelligent. I'll use it in a sentence for you. When It comes to words Hassan is an imbecile."
"Aah" he said nodding.
3. Is the protagonist static or dynamic? Flat or round? Explain.
The protagonist Amir is a dynamic and round character. In his childhood, Amir was a boy who wouldn't stand up for himself. He'd have Baba or Hassan fight his battles for him, he was a coward he liked valiance. Amir also thought himself as superior to Hassan for the reason that he was Amir's servant and lacked literacy. Furthermore, Hassan was a Hazara which in Afghan society meant he was lesser than all other Afghans and basically trash. As Amir progresses in age, he starts to fight his own battles and stand up for himself. For example, he became a creative writer even though Baba disapproved and eventually fought the two biggest demons he had known Assef, and his own guilt. Amir also begins to understand everyone is equal while living in America and relinquishes the idea that Hassan was ever inferior to him.
4. After reading the book did you come away feeling like you'd met a person or read a character?
Analyze one textual example that illustrates your reaction.
In the novel the character I'd felt I had really come to know about them and their personality was Baba, Amir's father. He was a large man 6'5, who everyone directed their attention to whenever he walked into a room. He always stood by his points of views and would be ready to help others in need. He built an orphanage for kids in Afghanistan and helped many people with their troubles. He was a proud man who did not allow anyone to tell him what to do and lived his life on his own terms.
The quote that illustrated Baba and his personality was when he was protecting a women whom he didn't know from a soldier who wanted to have his way with her.
"Baba sit down please," I said pleading(Amir) "I think he really means to shoot you"
"Haven't I taught you anything?" he snapped. He turned to the grinning soldier. "Tell him he better kill me good with that first shot. Because if I don't go down I'm tearing him to pieces, goddamn his father!
Write a paragraph in which you describe the one or two ideas from this book that you expect to remember for a long time. Explain your choices and their importance. Share a passage or two that give your reader a taste of the same effect.
The two most important ideas I've taken from this novel are, we've all made mistakes or blunders in our past, but we must confront our past in order to keep our conscious pure and our lives guilt free. The other idea I will remember for quite some time, is that we all most stand up for what we believe is right and what we believe in, because if we do not we live our whole lives shrouded in fear and never fulfill are potential. Baba summed it up quite nicely when he said "A boy who won't stand up for himself becomes a man who won't stand up to anything!'
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Latin Roots #3
- aud(it) (hear) audience auditorium, audition
- avi-bird; aviation, aviculture, aviatrix
- bell(I)- war; rebellion rebel belligerent
- ben(e)- good well; benefit benevolent, benediction, benefice
- antebellum- before the war, especially the American civil war, typical of how things were before war/ In the antebellum of the civil war, slaves were legal in about half the United States.
- audit- to attend a class only as a listener, not for credit; to check or examine a company's financial records/ When the IRS performed an audit on Walmart they learned the company owed millions of dollars in taxes.
- auditory-related to a sense of hearing/ I am an auditory learner, I retain and store information better when I hear it from a teacher.
- avian- a characteristic of or pertaining to birds/ I've been told I have an avian feature, my nose sticks out in a way similar to a beak.
- aviary-an elaborate structure for housing birds/ My grandma has an extravagant aviary for all her parrots.
- avionics-the technology of electronic equipment in aviation, missilery and space flight/ The United States has the best avionics programs in the world, which is why we have the best air force in the world.
- bellicose-eager to fight;quarrel/ Cholas have a bellicose personality, they are always ready to fight over any little thing.
- belligerency-the condition of warlike hostility; a hostile action/ Some countries accuse the United States of exhibiting belligerency whenever they intervene in conflicts that don't pertain to them.
- benefactor-a person who gives another financial help; a patron/ My parents are my benefactors at the moment they finance my various activities.
- beneficiary-one who receives a benefit as from an insurance agency/ My dad becomes a beneficiary whenever he gets a check from Allstate for not having an accident.
- benign-not malignant; gracious and kindly good natured/ Buddhists are usually very benign they don't hurt any living thing or person.
- inaudible- unable to be heard/ My science teacher becomes inaudible whenever the school announcements commence.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Homer the Blind Poet
Main Characters:
The main character in the story is the legendary story teller Homer. Who would go on telling epic poems to numerous audiences and captivating them with his powerful voice. The other character was the unnamed assistant who would help Homer with various tasks.
The plot in the story really revolved around Homer and his travels going from town to town retelling his tales and entertainment in exchange for food and temporary shelter. He would recite poems word by word without a script or notes and go just by memory. His assistant would help Homer with everyday tasks. Homer the blind poet would eventually be accredited to writing one of the two most famous epic poems the Iliad and Odysseus
There wasn't any major conflicts in the story. The only minor conflict in the story was Homer's everyday battle with his inability to see, and his struggle to overcome his obstacles.
What does the myth attempt to explain?:
Homer the blind poet attempts to explain the lost art of storytelling. It shows just how important the story teller was to the culture and traditions of the ancient Greeks. They brought history, morals, and virtues to anyone who desired to listen. Homer was also an entertainer, he was really what we would consider a modern day celebrity in his time.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Latin Roots #2
- anni, annu, enni-yearly
- aqua, aque-liquid, water
- arm-limb or attachment weapon
- art-art craft or skill
- aqua-water solutions, and substances/ Her eyes were an aqua blue they looked just like clear ocean water
- aquaculture-the cultivation of aquatic animals and plants in natural or controlled marine or freshwater environments/ Thanks to aquaculture domestic tilapia populations are booming thanks to peoples efforts in raising them.
- aqueous-containing water, watery/ That goo we made in chemistry class was very aqueous.
- armada-a large number of ships or aircraft/ The United States has the largest armada in the whole world, thanks to the amount of money we invest in the military
- armature-armor, serving for defense/ Turtles have a great natural armature in their shell that acts as armor from predators.
- armistice-a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement of the warring parties, truce/ If it hadn't been for the armistice between the USA and Russia we might have gone to war.
- artifact-handmade object made by human beings/ Pottery was a great ancient artifact invented by the Chinese.
- artifice-a clever trick craftiness/ The wolf showed great artifice by wearing a sheep suit to disguise himself in the herd.
- artisan-a person skilled in an art, craftsmen/ Leonardo da Vinci was an artisan during the renaissance times as evidence by the Mona Lisa.
- millennium-period of a thousand years/ Jesus Christ was born a little more than two millenniums ago.
- perennial-lasting for a long time, enduring/ Kobe Bryant has been a perennial all star throughout his career.
- superannuated-to old for work service, obsolete/ My grandfather was superannuated, he couldn't work at an efficient rate anymore so retirement was his only option.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Journal Post
Journal #3
Television is more popular than books this day and age because simply put, people do not enjoy to take the time and effort. Television is an easier method to get entertainment. Books cause people to think critically and most of the human populace surprisingly doesn't enjoy that. While watching television people don't have to do anything, they just sit there and watch the entertainment to come to them. Another bonus for television is that it is not as time consuming as getting invested into a really swell novel. Furthermore television is semi hypnotic in that it causes people to become entranced into staring at the bright screen over a period of time.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
The Purpose of Myth
- Name 4 fundamental questions that myths address. Four fundamental questions myths address are; What is the nature of the universe in which I live in? How do I relate to that universe? What must I do to survive? and How can I reconcile myself in the inevitability of death?
- Name 4 themes in world mythology. Four reoccurring themes in world mythology are that the first parents are gods, the creator god created humans from the Earth, god(s) destroy Earth by a great flood, and heroes are children of gods with great skill coming to Earth to help humanity.
- What is the beginning of the universe for most major cultures? The beginning of the universe for most major cultures start out as a chaotic formless mass that gods separate, then gods multiply fill out their role and finally the creator god creates life on Earth.
- What do hero myths and epics teach members of society? Hero myths and epics teach members of society the relationship between individual desires and responsibilities to society and what are the appropriate attitudes and behaviors.
- Why do ordinary people identify with heroes? Ordinary people identify with heroes because they put personal needs aside for community and still posses human weaknesses.
- What is the foundation of the Matriarchal Society? The foundation of a matriarchal society was centered around a mother creator or birth giver and had strong ties to nature and agriculture.
- What is Sigmund Freud's view of myths? Sigmund Freud views myths as the expression of individuals unconscious wishes fears and drives.
- Myths demonstrate that people possess... Myths demonstrate that people posses the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live in.
Birth Order Reasearch
Erik Ruiz
August 26,2014
Mr.Ostini Period 3
Birth Order Research Essay
Throughout high school my sister was very involved in the FFA program, she managed to reach the highest attainable rank in the program. She used the FFA program to aid her in becoming an ag business major at the university of Cal Poly, where she is doing well and most likely will become very successful after college. Not surprisingly when I got into high school my parents pleaded me to join FFA and follow in my sister's footsteps after seeing how much the program had helped her in becoming the person she is today. However, I wouldn't budge and I refused to join FFA because I wanted to differentiate myself from my big sister and follow my own path. Interestingly enough, one of the things birth order research has found is that middle children such as I, tend to be the complete opposite of their older siblings in nearly everything they do. Based on this reason and other findings such as, being a mediator and having very strong bonds I have found the birth order research to be very accurate, in shaping our personalities and who we are as individuals. One of the biggest findings in birth order research was that middle children tend to be great mediators and great compromisers. Just as the research has shown I believe my mediating ability is one of my greatest assets as a person. In my childhood, my older sister and younger sister would constantly get into arguments and skirmishes over any little disagreement. In these arguments I would always take on the role of peacemaker and try to settle out the disputes with a compromise. As a peacemaker I never took a side and remained neutral because it was more beneficial for me to remain on good terms with both my sisters. Another example of me being a mediator is in school, helping settle things out between my peers. Arguments are unnecessary, whenever my friends or classmates try to get into altercations I try to talk both parties out of it. I pride myself in being the voice of reason. Being a middle child, I had to take on the role as a mediator or take on a neutral stance because it was detrimental to me to try to argue or get into altercations with my siblings, either I was going to take a beating at the hands of my older sister or I was going to get scolded by my parents for fighting with the always innocent younger sibling. Middle children need to be the mediators in order to remain on good terms with your siblings and parents.
Another social trait found in the birth order research was that middle children were extremely loyal and had intense close bonds with their friends or acquaintances. At first I thought this could not be applied to me but after some serious pondering I found the research to be very accurate on that social trait. For example, on the weekends I am never home. I'm always at a friends house having fun spending time with them and if I do come home I usually ask my parents if a couple of friends can spend the night. I exhibit this behavior because I'd much rather quality spend time with my friends than my immediate family. Another example of this behavior, is I hate losing friends and I try to have as much mutual friendships I could have with my peers. I try to be well liked and very social because at times I feel as though my friendships are all I have and I won't receive the same attention at home. As a middle child, I often feel left out at home over shadowed by my older sisters success and my needs put second to my younger sister.
The most compelling piece of evidence that proves the birth order research true is my older sister and I being polar opposites in nearly every aspect of life. My older sister has everything planned out and her whole life devoted to making lists of what she must do at a certain time. From the minute she wakes up to the minute she falls asleep my older sister has her whole day planned out for her already while when I wake up in the morning I don't even know what I'm wearing to school that day. This contrast in behavior can be explained by our parents different approaches to raising us. Our parents directed more attention to my older sister, they were stricter and much more unforgiving of her which in turn made her become a perfectionist. On the other hand my parents were lackadaisical in raising me and much more tolerable of my mistakes which allowed me to develop an easy going, relaxed personality. My sister is a very stubborn young lady, she directs all her attention to one goal she has in mind and doesn't stop until she attains it, while I'm open minded and I try to see every perspective and angle on everything I do. At times this leads to me becoming distracted, however through my own process I learn things that my sister looked over and ignored. I believe I and middle children in general differ so much from our older siblings because we're trying to show ourselves that we're better than our siblings. By carving out our own paths to success, that allows us to express our individuality by doing our own things, allows us middle children to escape that shadow of our older siblings that are cast over us from the day were born.
From my perspective I have concluded that birth order has a lasting impact on our personality and behavior. This research can prove helpful in studying what internal and external environments shape each humans unique personality. Birth order research may also help parents in their child raising methods and show them to have the same standards and rules with each child. The eye opening revelation this research exposed to me is how emotionally distant I am from my immediate family. Being a middle child at times I do feel my needs are thrown to the back of the line and I need to confront my parents on these issues. This research has also changed my view on how good a relationship I have with my older sister and discuss with her this intense sibling rivalry I felt bubbling deep down inside of me. However. the accuracy of this research will not define me as a person and I will not let some findings tell me exactly who I am.
August 26,2014
Mr.Ostini Period 3
Birth Order Research Essay
The Birth Order Effect
Throughout high school my sister was very involved in the FFA program, she managed to reach the highest attainable rank in the program. She used the FFA program to aid her in becoming an ag business major at the university of Cal Poly, where she is doing well and most likely will become very successful after college. Not surprisingly when I got into high school my parents pleaded me to join FFA and follow in my sister's footsteps after seeing how much the program had helped her in becoming the person she is today. However, I wouldn't budge and I refused to join FFA because I wanted to differentiate myself from my big sister and follow my own path. Interestingly enough, one of the things birth order research has found is that middle children such as I, tend to be the complete opposite of their older siblings in nearly everything they do. Based on this reason and other findings such as, being a mediator and having very strong bonds I have found the birth order research to be very accurate, in shaping our personalities and who we are as individuals. One of the biggest findings in birth order research was that middle children tend to be great mediators and great compromisers. Just as the research has shown I believe my mediating ability is one of my greatest assets as a person. In my childhood, my older sister and younger sister would constantly get into arguments and skirmishes over any little disagreement. In these arguments I would always take on the role of peacemaker and try to settle out the disputes with a compromise. As a peacemaker I never took a side and remained neutral because it was more beneficial for me to remain on good terms with both my sisters. Another example of me being a mediator is in school, helping settle things out between my peers. Arguments are unnecessary, whenever my friends or classmates try to get into altercations I try to talk both parties out of it. I pride myself in being the voice of reason. Being a middle child, I had to take on the role as a mediator or take on a neutral stance because it was detrimental to me to try to argue or get into altercations with my siblings, either I was going to take a beating at the hands of my older sister or I was going to get scolded by my parents for fighting with the always innocent younger sibling. Middle children need to be the mediators in order to remain on good terms with your siblings and parents.
Another social trait found in the birth order research was that middle children were extremely loyal and had intense close bonds with their friends or acquaintances. At first I thought this could not be applied to me but after some serious pondering I found the research to be very accurate on that social trait. For example, on the weekends I am never home. I'm always at a friends house having fun spending time with them and if I do come home I usually ask my parents if a couple of friends can spend the night. I exhibit this behavior because I'd much rather quality spend time with my friends than my immediate family. Another example of this behavior, is I hate losing friends and I try to have as much mutual friendships I could have with my peers. I try to be well liked and very social because at times I feel as though my friendships are all I have and I won't receive the same attention at home. As a middle child, I often feel left out at home over shadowed by my older sisters success and my needs put second to my younger sister.
The most compelling piece of evidence that proves the birth order research true is my older sister and I being polar opposites in nearly every aspect of life. My older sister has everything planned out and her whole life devoted to making lists of what she must do at a certain time. From the minute she wakes up to the minute she falls asleep my older sister has her whole day planned out for her already while when I wake up in the morning I don't even know what I'm wearing to school that day. This contrast in behavior can be explained by our parents different approaches to raising us. Our parents directed more attention to my older sister, they were stricter and much more unforgiving of her which in turn made her become a perfectionist. On the other hand my parents were lackadaisical in raising me and much more tolerable of my mistakes which allowed me to develop an easy going, relaxed personality. My sister is a very stubborn young lady, she directs all her attention to one goal she has in mind and doesn't stop until she attains it, while I'm open minded and I try to see every perspective and angle on everything I do. At times this leads to me becoming distracted, however through my own process I learn things that my sister looked over and ignored. I believe I and middle children in general differ so much from our older siblings because we're trying to show ourselves that we're better than our siblings. By carving out our own paths to success, that allows us to express our individuality by doing our own things, allows us middle children to escape that shadow of our older siblings that are cast over us from the day were born.
From my perspective I have concluded that birth order has a lasting impact on our personality and behavior. This research can prove helpful in studying what internal and external environments shape each humans unique personality. Birth order research may also help parents in their child raising methods and show them to have the same standards and rules with each child. The eye opening revelation this research exposed to me is how emotionally distant I am from my immediate family. Being a middle child at times I do feel my needs are thrown to the back of the line and I need to confront my parents on these issues. This research has also changed my view on how good a relationship I have with my older sister and discuss with her this intense sibling rivalry I felt bubbling deep down inside of me. However. the accuracy of this research will not define me as a person and I will not let some findings tell me exactly who I am.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Latin Roots #1
- act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
- ali, alter: another, other
- am: at/ to love
- anim: life, spirit, soul
- agenda-a list, plan or outline of things to be done/ Timmy wrote down todays homework in his agenda.
- agile-quick and well coordinated in movement/ The snow leopard has to be very agile while moving through the Himalayan mountains.
- alienate-to make indifferent or hostile/ In Amish culture you become alienated from the community for using modern day technology.
- altercation-a heated or angry dispute/ A violent altercation occurred between Juan and Jose when they argued over who deserved to eat the last slice of pizza.
- amiable-having or showing pleasant good natured qualities/ My grandmother is very amiable which is why she can get along with everyone well.
- amorous-inclined or disposed to love/ Wilt Chamberlain was very sexually amorous which is why he slept with over twenty thousand women.
- animated-full of life, action, or spirit; lively; vigorous/ While playing fetch my dog is animated and has plenty of energy and good emotions.
- equanimity-mental or emotional stability or composure, especially under tension or strain/ Kobe Bryant shows great equanimity whenever he hits game winners as millions at home are watching the game.
- inalienable-not transferable to another or capable of being repudiated/ Freedom of speech is one of inalienable rights I was born with here in the United States.
- inanimate-lifeless , spiritless dull/ That rock is inanimate, it has no life.
- magnanimous-generous in forgiving an insult or injury, free from petty resentfulness/ Being magnanimous is a great human trait for anyone because it allows you to forgive anyone that has caused you harm and allows you not to hold grudges.
- reactionary-pertaining to favoring reaction, especially extreme conservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change/ The Islamic State is very reactionary in that it hates any sort of change within their groups especially pertaining to religion
Friday, August 22, 2014
Birth Order Reaserch Findings
Personality Trait: Mediator
I am the mediator in the family. I never get into arguments and I always try to settle things out between my family and friends because I feel confrontations are pointless and there is always a peaceful way out of things.
Personality Trait: Independent
I do my own thing in the household, I don't enjoy taking orders and that leads to me doing things when I feel like doing them. I don't do things my parents tell me to do but I wait until I want to do those things. At times I feel I'm independent because I distance myself from the family and don't like receiving help.
Familial Trait: Feeling left out of the family, has few pictures with family members.
The first thing I did when I heard this on the slides was check my phone for family pictures. Out of about six hundred photos I had none in their with my family, to further add to this I have none in my room either. I suppose at times I do feel left out of the family where my opinion doesn't get heard,stuck behind, my older sisters successful shadow and my younger sisters innocence.
Personality Trait; Prone to embarrassment
I don't fully agree to this finding. In public and around friends I don't really get embarrassment from saying or doing controversial things. However, if this implies to our household I get very embarrassed in front of my parents especially my mother and I never do anything that might lead to me feeling embarrassed.
Typical Careers: Career path always an opposite of older child's
I still have no idea what I might chose as my career, but I do not which career I will not chose. My sister is an AG business major at Cal Poly. When she was in high school she joined FFA and reached the highest rank that helped her become an AG major. My father is a farmer and he and my mom pleaded me to follow in my sisters footsteps and join FFA in route to becoming an AG business man, but I wanted no possibility of me following in my sisters footsteps and I still refuse to join FFA for that reason.
I am the mediator in the family. I never get into arguments and I always try to settle things out between my family and friends because I feel confrontations are pointless and there is always a peaceful way out of things.
Personality Trait: Independent
I do my own thing in the household, I don't enjoy taking orders and that leads to me doing things when I feel like doing them. I don't do things my parents tell me to do but I wait until I want to do those things. At times I feel I'm independent because I distance myself from the family and don't like receiving help.
Familial Trait: Feeling left out of the family, has few pictures with family members.
The first thing I did when I heard this on the slides was check my phone for family pictures. Out of about six hundred photos I had none in their with my family, to further add to this I have none in my room either. I suppose at times I do feel left out of the family where my opinion doesn't get heard,stuck behind, my older sisters successful shadow and my younger sisters innocence.
Personality Trait; Prone to embarrassment
I don't fully agree to this finding. In public and around friends I don't really get embarrassment from saying or doing controversial things. However, if this implies to our household I get very embarrassed in front of my parents especially my mother and I never do anything that might lead to me feeling embarrassed.
Typical Careers: Career path always an opposite of older child's
I still have no idea what I might chose as my career, but I do not which career I will not chose. My sister is an AG business major at Cal Poly. When she was in high school she joined FFA and reached the highest rank that helped her become an AG major. My father is a farmer and he and my mom pleaded me to follow in my sisters footsteps and join FFA in route to becoming an AG business man, but I wanted no possibility of me following in my sisters footsteps and I still refuse to join FFA for that reason.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Reflections on week 1
- Are there any factors that you think are going to affect your participation or experience in this class? Access to a computer? Mobile/smart phone? Transportation? Friends/family? Schedule?
There are a couple factors that will affect my participation in class. The new schedule is of course a huge factor for everyone including me. It will take some time to get accustomed to it. The other minor factor I might have is I don't own a printer and it might be a bit more difficult for me to find somewhere to print my assignment.
- Think of an awesome best ever learning experience that changed you. What did you learn? Where were you? What happened? Who else was there? Did it teach you anything about how you learn (or pay attention... or remember, or think?) How did you know what was happening?
An awesome learning experience I was lucky enough to go through was in eighth grade in my Home Ec class. My teacher Mrs.Cairns was somebody that everybody loved. She was always happy and always took the time to get to know everyone of her students personally. She taught me the right way to live life and that is to always be happy no matter the circumstances and always treat everyone exactly the same no matter who they are.
- What are you most [excited/concerned] about in this class? What do you look forward to in learning? How do you think I t can/will make a practical difference in your life?
I am excited about reading some great novels in this class. I look forward to being able to learn plenty of things about the human culture and universal themes that I can apply to my life. One area of concern is the essays we will have to do in this class since I believe English is my weakest subject. I believe you will make a practical difference in my life by teaching me to become a better writer and making me like English class by you making it interesting.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
<iframe class="vine-embed" src="" width="600" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
All my life people thought I was only good for one thing. They believed all I could do was use my good looks to sit around and look pretty. I was inspired to make this vine to show the world I'm much more than that. I wanted to prove the stereotypes surrounding me wrong and show everyone just how well rounded and versatile I am as a person. I hope my story lives on, inspiring other kids just like me in their fight to show the world that we're much more than just a pretty face.
All my life people thought I was only good for one thing. They believed all I could do was use my good looks to sit around and look pretty. I was inspired to make this vine to show the world I'm much more than that. I wanted to prove the stereotypes surrounding me wrong and show everyone just how well rounded and versatile I am as a person. I hope my story lives on, inspiring other kids just like me in their fight to show the world that we're much more than just a pretty face.
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