Tank Man

Tank Man
Stand up for what is right, even if you're the only one standing

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Latin Roots #3

  1. aud(it) (hear) audience auditorium, audition
  2. avi-bird; aviation, aviculture, aviatrix
  3. bell(I)- war; rebellion rebel belligerent
  4. ben(e)- good well; benefit benevolent, benediction, benefice

  1. antebellum- before the war, especially the American civil war, typical of how things were before war/  In the antebellum of the civil war, slaves were legal in about half the United States.
  2. audit- to attend a class only as a listener, not for credit; to check or examine a company's financial records/ When the IRS performed an audit on Walmart they learned the company owed millions of dollars in taxes. 
  3. auditory-related to a sense of hearing/ I am an auditory learner, I retain and store information better when I hear it from a teacher. 
  4. avian- a characteristic of or pertaining to birds/ I've been told I have an avian feature, my nose sticks out in a way similar to a beak.
  5. aviary-an elaborate structure for housing birds/ My grandma has an extravagant aviary for all her parrots.
  6. avionics-the technology of electronic equipment in aviation, missilery and space flight/ The United States has the best avionics programs in the world, which is why we have the best air force in the world.
  7. bellicose-eager to fight;quarrel/ Cholas have a bellicose personality, they are always ready to fight over any little thing. 
  8. belligerency-the condition of warlike hostility; a hostile action/ Some countries accuse the United States of exhibiting belligerency whenever they intervene in conflicts that don't pertain to them.
  9. benefactor-a person who gives another financial help; a patron/ My parents are my benefactors at the moment they finance my various activities.
  10. beneficiary-one who receives a benefit as from an insurance agency/ My dad becomes a beneficiary whenever he gets a check from Allstate for not having an accident.
  11. benign-not malignant; gracious and kindly good natured/ Buddhists are usually very benign they don't hurt any living thing or person. 
  12. inaudible- unable to be heard/ My science teacher becomes inaudible whenever the school announcements commence. 

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