Tank Man

Tank Man
Stand up for what is right, even if you're the only one standing

Friday, May 29, 2015

Chapter 12 Journal

The soldier at the end of the novel is a huge hypocrite. He scolds the boys for behaving improperly yet he will soon go out and do the same thing to his "Jack" or 'Ralph". When I first read the novel I was infuriated by Jack and how his lust for power had caused on the rifts on the island. However, after time thinking I believe Ralph had just the same amount of blame. He failed to compromise ideologies with Jack and made Jack feel inferior. I don't believe you can group this plot as something as simple as good vs. evil. We have no idea what is evil. Something made Jack feel that way whether it was bad childhood or Ralph diminishing his value. In Jack's eyes Ralph was evil because he didn't allow him to have fun and called something important to him(hunting) as useless. Roger is simply a psychopath and being a psychopath is classified as an illness. Illness makes someone become an exception to evil, as we see in court cases of insane murder cases. We can't comprehend evil. Ralph cries at the end of the novel because he can't understand the horrible things people had done. I don't despise any of the characters except maybe Wilfred because that's a stupid name. Absolutely I would recommend this to a person as long as they would think about what  they are reading.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Chapter 11 Test

1.Ralphs groups decide they must confront jack about Piggy and his glasses.

2.They are seeing Ralph for the first time because he is basically alone he is no longer the chief, and their seeing his true leadership.

3.Ralph and crew are outnumbered and they will not breach the savages mindsets since they are boring.

4.Roger pushes the rock to kill Piggy because its fun for him and it was probably funny for him and he laughed LOL.

5.When the conch was destroyed it marked the end of order and democracy.

6. For boys a chief gives them order and lets them mindlessly follow orders without pressure effort to make choices.

7.How was your childhood like?
Why are you so preoccupied in being the best?

8.Savagry now rules the island. Jack and his right hand man Roger have successfully used fear to preside over everyone. The boys do not resist since being with Jack is fun in their eyes. They get meat and get to run around as long as they obey the new chief.
        Ralph is now a wanted man. They have eyes set on him to kill him. Jack has deceived the boys into believing Ralph is a threat to their safety.  There is no hope on this island anymore.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Chapter 10 Lord of the Flies

1. Ralph feels extremely guilty as if he could've done something to prevent it. he knows that was straight up murder.
"That was Simon...That was murder"(Golding 156)
Piggy tries to convince the others that was all just a huge accident and they had nothing to be guilty about even insisting it was partly Simons fault as he had looked batty."It was an accident, that's what it was" (Golding 157).
Samneric try to convince themselves they were not at the scene of the crime. "We were very tired.... so we left early (Golding 158).

2. Ralph believes it was a murder he is the only one who has rightfully accepted it as murder. He feels a lot of guilt and remorse. "That was murder." (Golding 156)
Jack on the other hand feels no guilt, he thinks he protected his tribe from the beast who came disguised as Simon. The beasts may even come again. "He came disguised. He may even come again"(Golding 160)

3.Jack is a ruthless ruler who rules through oppression and fear. He makes people obey him by getting them fear for him. Anyone who doesn't obey gets punished like Wilfred.
"He didn't say. He got angry and made us tie Wilfred up"(Golding 159).

4.Jack is now the chief. His hunters and savages now call him chief not Ralph.He now owns the fire which means all hope now relies on savagrey.
Piggy-gets beaten up
Ralph- Fughts back punches others
Sam: getting kicked in the face
Eric kicks others
Jack: beats up piggy gets his glasses
Roger: punches scratches

Friday, February 13, 2015

Ebola editorial answers

1. Betsey McDonough identifies the problem of Ebola and our hospitals inability to handle it and the cdc flimsy guidelines.

2.She offers solutions of hospitals being more responsible and calling for full body suits and much tighter regulations.

3. Sean Jauffman views cdc protective guidelines as irresponsible and insane saying they do not fully help cover up the body from the virus and are putting lives in danger.

4.michael Burgess held up a photo of Michael Frieden head of cdc warring a full head to toe suit while his guidelines were my h more laxed and flimsy.

5.Yes I agree with Betsey only the nations bio containment centers are prepared to handle a virus as severe as Ebola.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Article Summary

In the news article titled Chapel Hill Shooting the author focuses on the shootings of three Muslim students near Chapel hill university. First the author points out how the three Muslim students were savagely killed over what the article called a parking argument turned bloody. Next the author focuses on the man who killed the three students Craig Stephen Hicks. The author just points him out a strange loner who has had disputes with the students in the past. Also, the author points out how hard the police are investigating on how and why this event occurred. In addition the author points out this may have been a hate crime based on religious and cultural intolerance. Finally the author concludes by saying this event was a terrible circumstance that must be resolved justifiably and shows how sad a state we are to still have these ignorant feelings to certain groups of people

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Opinion blog

I was walking on the west side of Fresno, a neighborhood notorious for its violence and criminal behavior. I was with my cousin and his longtime friend who called this neighborhood home. He was a cool guy, a genuine friendly respectable young man with a calming personality. He looked very similar to my cousin and I, yet there was something completely different about him. It seemed like he spoke another language, with his constant use of slang and abbreviated words. Furthermore his demeanor and confidence walking down those streets during the evening was a stark contrast to our more cautious approach. When approached by a large ominous looking man trying to sell us a handgun for 10 bucks he calmly responded "No thanks man, we good."  When I asked how he seemed to show no visible signs of fear in that encounter he said, "Man I've lived here my entire life, I ain't scared."
That experience got me thinking how my cousin and his friend seemed like they were from two different countries, even though they only lived 15 minutes apart. The answer came to me after awhile and it offered what I believe was a simple answer, their neighborhoods. My cousin lived in Clovis a close knit community where most people where financially stable while, his friend lives in the west side a neighborhood not in the best of shape known for its crime and its residents poverty. It was very obvious that the neighborhoods were each resided had a huge affect in the people they where, how they spoke, how they dressed, and their personalitys. For example the environments of living in poverty stricken neighborhoods such as projects or ghettos have a large physical and mental affect on the people living there and has an adverse effect on how it shapes them as people. Effects them so much a few people might consider a man trying to sell a weapon to kids as just another day. I do not mean to put a stearotype on all people living in these neighborhoods as there are many good genuine people living there however, a few bad apples spread their tendencies and philosophies around the community which influences other people especially the youth. Which is a reason why some families living in the ghettos or projects are constantly looking for ways to get out of there to help their families.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Latin Roots #7

Roots & Derivatives1) Duc(t), Duce (to lead): Conduct, reduce, education, abduct, deductive, ductile, induction, deduce.
2) Fed(er), fide(e) (faith, trust): Federal, confidence, affidavit, infidel, bona fide, confide, confederate
3) Fine(e) (end, limit): Finish, confine, define, infinitesimal, affinity, infinity, finial
4) Flect, Flex (to bend): Deflect, reflex, reflector, flexibility, genuflect, flexor

Word List
1) Aqueduct: A large pipe or other conduit made to bring water from a great distance.
The Romans were one of the first empires with aqueducts.
2) Conductive: Tending to lead, help, assist, or result in.
Male lions tend to be quite conductive for they must assist other pride members through their obstacles. 
3) Definitive:  A completely accurate, reliable, and authoritative; decisive or conclusive.
His testimony proved to be definitive evidence in court.
4) Fidelity: A faithfulness to one's promises or obligations; steadfast faithfulness, technological faithfulness.
My mother has always shown fidelity in her promises.
5) Fiduciary: An individual who holds something in trust for another; a trustee.
We used a mutual friend as our fiduciary for our wager.
6) Finale: A "grand" conclusion, as of a performance; the last scene of a play.
After the finale all the actors came out and took a bow during a final applause.
7) Finite: A limited or bordered by time or by any measurement; measurable.
There is a finite number of oil as countries continue to fight for renewable energy. 
8) Flexuous: Winding in and out; bending or wavering.
The young sapling was quite flexuous during the storm.
9) Inducement: Anything used or given to persuade or motivate; an incentive.
With the promise of a money as inducement my parents could make me do anything.
10) Inflection: A slight change in tone or modulation of the voice, as in a point of emphasis. 
In an attempt to foreshadow what would happen next I changed my inflection for certain words in the story. 
11) Perfidious: Characteristic of one who would intentionally betray a faith or trust; treacherous.
I never try to be perfidious as I love to keep promises.
12)Traduce: To speak falsely of; to slander or defame; to disgrace another's good name; to vilify.
Hitler traduced the Jews in the 1930's