Roots & Derivatives1) Duc(t), Duce (to lead): Conduct, reduce, education, abduct, deductive, ductile, induction, deduce.
2) Fed(er), fide(e) (faith, trust): Federal, confidence, affidavit, infidel, bona fide, confide, confederate
3) Fine(e) (end, limit): Finish, confine, define, infinitesimal, affinity, infinity, finial
4) Flect, Flex (to bend): Deflect, reflex, reflector, flexibility, genuflect, flexor
Word List
1) Aqueduct: A large pipe or other conduit made to bring water from a great distance.
The Romans were one of the first empires with aqueducts.
2) Conductive: Tending to lead, help, assist, or result in.
Male lions tend to be quite conductive for they must assist other pride members through their obstacles.
3) Definitive: A completely accurate, reliable, and authoritative; decisive or conclusive.
His testimony proved to be definitive evidence in court.
4) Fidelity: A faithfulness to one's promises or obligations; steadfast faithfulness, technological faithfulness.
My mother has always shown fidelity in her promises.
5) Fiduciary: An individual who holds something in trust for another; a trustee.
We used a mutual friend as our fiduciary for our wager.
6) Finale: A "grand" conclusion, as of a performance; the last scene of a play.
After the finale all the actors came out and took a bow during a final applause.
7) Finite: A limited or bordered by time or by any measurement; measurable.
There is a finite number of oil as countries continue to fight for renewable energy.
8) Flexuous: Winding in and out; bending or wavering.
The young sapling was quite flexuous during the storm.
9) Inducement: Anything used or given to persuade or motivate; an incentive.
With the promise of a money as inducement my parents could make me do anything.
10) Inflection: A slight change in tone or modulation of the voice, as in a point of emphasis.
In an attempt to foreshadow what would happen next I changed my inflection for certain words in the story.
11) Perfidious: Characteristic of one who would intentionally betray a faith or trust; treacherous.
I never try to be perfidious as I love to keep promises.
12)Traduce: To speak falsely of; to slander or defame; to disgrace another's good name; to vilify.
Hitler traduced the Jews in the 1930's
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