Tank Man

Tank Man
Stand up for what is right, even if you're the only one standing

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Purpose of Myth

  1. Name 4 fundamental questions that myths address.   Four fundamental questions myths address are; What is the nature of the universe in which I live in? How do I relate to that universe? What must I do to survive? and How can I reconcile myself in the inevitability of death?   
  2. Name 4 themes in world mythology.      Four reoccurring themes in world mythology are that the first parents are gods, the creator god created humans from the Earth, god(s) destroy Earth by a great flood, and heroes are children of gods with great skill coming to Earth to help humanity.
  3. What is the beginning of the universe for most major cultures?   The beginning of the universe for most major cultures start out as a chaotic formless mass that gods separate, then gods multiply fill out their role and finally the creator god creates life on Earth.
  4. What do hero myths and epics teach members of society?   Hero myths and epics teach members of society the relationship between individual desires and responsibilities to society and what are the appropriate attitudes and behaviors.
  5. Why do ordinary people identify with heroes?   Ordinary people identify with heroes because they put personal needs aside for community and still posses human weaknesses.
  6. What is the foundation of the Matriarchal Society?   The foundation of a matriarchal society was centered around a mother creator or birth giver and had strong ties to nature and agriculture.
  7. What is Sigmund Freud's view of myths?   Sigmund Freud views myths as the expression of individuals unconscious wishes fears and drives.
  8. Myths demonstrate that people possess...   Myths demonstrate that people posses the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live in.

Birth Order Reasearch

Erik Ruiz

August 26,2014

Mr.Ostini Period 3

Birth Order Research Essay

The Birth Order Effect

Throughout high school my sister was very involved in the FFA program, she managed to reach the highest attainable rank in the program. She used the FFA program to aid her in becoming an ag business major at the university of Cal Poly, where she is doing well and most likely will become very successful after college. Not surprisingly when I got into high school my parents pleaded me to join FFA and follow in my sister's footsteps after seeing how much the program had helped her in becoming the person she is today. However, I wouldn't budge and I refused to join FFA because I wanted to differentiate myself from my big sister and follow my own path. Interestingly enough, one of the things birth order research has found is that middle children such as I, tend to be the complete opposite of their older siblings in nearly everything they do. Based on this reason and other findings such as, being a mediator and having very strong bonds I have found the birth order research to be very accurate, in shaping our personalities and who we are as individuals.                                                                                                                                                                    One of the biggest findings in birth order research was that middle children tend to be great mediators and great compromisers. Just as the research has shown I believe my mediating ability is one of my greatest assets as a person. In my childhood, my older sister and younger sister would constantly get into arguments and skirmishes over any little disagreement. In these arguments I would always take on the role of peacemaker and try to settle out the disputes with a compromise. As a peacemaker I never took a side and remained neutral because it was more beneficial for me to remain on good terms with both my sisters. Another example of me being a mediator is in school, helping settle things out between my peers. Arguments are unnecessary, whenever my friends or classmates try to get into altercations I try to talk both parties out of it. I pride myself in being the voice of reason. Being a middle child, I had to take on the role as a mediator or take on a neutral stance because it was detrimental to me to try to argue or get into altercations with my siblings, either I was going to take a beating at the hands of my older sister or I was going to get scolded by my parents for fighting with the always innocent younger sibling. Middle children need to be the mediators in order to remain on good terms with your siblings and parents.                                                                                                                                                                 

Another social trait found in the birth order research was that middle children were extremely loyal and had intense close bonds with their friends or acquaintances. At first I thought this could not be applied to me but after some serious pondering I found the research to be very accurate on that social trait. For example, on the weekends I am never home. I'm always at a friends house having fun spending time with them and if I do come home I usually ask my parents if a couple of friends can spend the night. I exhibit this behavior because I'd much rather quality spend time with my friends than my immediate family. Another example of this behavior, is I hate losing friends and I try to have as much mutual friendships I could have with my peers. I try to be well liked and very social because at times I feel as though my friendships are all I have and I won't receive the same attention at home. As a middle child, I often feel left out at home over shadowed by my older sisters success and my needs put second to my younger sister.
The most compelling piece of evidence that proves the birth order research true is my older sister and I being polar opposites in nearly every aspect of life. My older sister has everything planned out and her whole life devoted to making lists of what she must do at a certain time. From the minute she wakes up to the minute she falls asleep my older sister has her whole day planned out for her already while when I wake up in the morning I don't even know what I'm wearing to school that day. This contrast in behavior can be explained by our parents different approaches to raising us. Our parents directed more attention to my older sister, they were stricter and much more unforgiving of her which in turn made her become a perfectionist. On the other hand my parents were lackadaisical in raising me and much more tolerable of my mistakes which allowed me to develop an easy going, relaxed personality. My sister is a very stubborn young lady, she directs all her attention to one goal she has in mind and doesn't stop until she attains it, while I'm open minded and I try to see every perspective and angle on everything I do. At times this leads to me becoming distracted, however through my own process I learn things that my sister looked over and ignored. I believe I and middle children in general differ so much from our older siblings because we're trying to show ourselves that we're better than our siblings. By carving out our own paths to success, that allows us to express our individuality by doing our own things, allows us middle children to escape that shadow of our older siblings that are cast over us from the day were born.  
From my perspective I have concluded that birth order has a lasting impact on our personality and behavior. This research can prove helpful in studying what internal and external environments shape each humans unique personality. Birth order research may also help parents in their child raising methods and show them to have the same standards and rules with each child. The eye opening revelation this research exposed to me is how emotionally distant I am from my immediate family. Being a middle child at times I do feel my needs are thrown to the back of the line and I need to confront my parents on these issues. This research has also changed my view on how good a relationship I have with my older sister and discuss with her this intense sibling rivalry I felt bubbling deep down inside of me. However. the accuracy of this research will not define me as a person and I will not let some findings tell me exactly who I am.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Latin Roots #1

  1. act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
  2. ali, alter: another, other
  3. am: at/ to love
  4. anim: life, spirit, soul
  1. agenda-a list, plan or outline of things to be done/ Timmy wrote down todays homework in his agenda.
  2. agile-quick and well coordinated in movement/ The snow leopard has to be very agile while moving through the Himalayan mountains.  
  3. alienate-to make indifferent or hostile/ In Amish culture you become alienated from the community for using modern day technology.
  4. altercation-a heated or angry dispute/ A violent altercation occurred between Juan and Jose when they argued over who deserved to eat the last slice of pizza.
  5. amiable-having or showing pleasant good natured qualities/ My grandmother is very amiable which is why she can get along with everyone well.
  6. amorous-inclined or disposed to love/ Wilt Chamberlain was very sexually amorous which is why he slept with over twenty thousand women. 
  7. animated-full of life, action, or spirit; lively; vigorous/ While playing fetch my dog is animated and has plenty of energy and good emotions.
  8. equanimity-mental or emotional stability or composure, especially under tension or strain/ Kobe Bryant shows great equanimity whenever he hits game winners as millions at home are watching the game.
  9. inalienable-not transferable to another or capable of being repudiated/ Freedom of speech is one of inalienable rights I was born with here in the United States.
  10. inanimate-lifeless , spiritless dull/ That rock is inanimate, it has no life.
  11. magnanimous-generous in forgiving an insult or injury, free from petty resentfulness/ Being magnanimous is a great human trait for anyone because it allows you to forgive anyone that has caused you harm and allows you not to hold grudges.
  12. reactionary-pertaining to favoring reaction, especially extreme conservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change/ The Islamic State is very reactionary in that it hates any sort of change within their groups especially pertaining to religion

Friday, August 22, 2014

Birth Order Reaserch Findings

Personality Trait: Mediator
I am the mediator in the family. I never get into arguments and I always try to settle things out between my family and friends because I feel confrontations are pointless and there is always a peaceful way out of things.
Personality Trait: Independent
I do my own thing in the household, I don't enjoy taking orders and that leads to me doing things when I feel like doing them. I don't do things my parents tell me to do but I wait until I want to do those things. At times I feel I'm independent because I distance myself from the family and don't like receiving help.
Familial Trait: Feeling left out of the family, has few pictures with family members.
The first thing I did when I heard this on the slides was check my phone for family pictures. Out of about six hundred photos I had none in their with my family, to further add to this I have none in my room either. I suppose at times I do feel left out of the family where my opinion doesn't get heard,stuck behind, my older sisters successful shadow and my younger sisters innocence.
Personality Trait; Prone to embarrassment
I don't fully agree to this finding. In public and around friends I don't really get embarrassment from saying or doing controversial things. However, if this implies to our household I get very embarrassed in front of my parents especially my mother and I never do anything that might lead to me feeling embarrassed.
Typical Careers: Career path always an opposite of older child's
I still have no idea what I might chose as my career, but I do not which career I will not chose. My sister is an AG business major at Cal Poly. When she was in high school she joined FFA and reached the highest rank that helped her become an AG major. My father is a farmer and he and my mom pleaded me to follow in my sisters footsteps and join FFA in route to becoming an AG business man, but I wanted no possibility of me following in my sisters footsteps and I still refuse to join FFA for that reason.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Reflections on week 1

  1. Are there any factors that you think are going to affect your participation or experience in this class? Access to a computer?  Mobile/smart phone?  Transportation?  Friends/family? Schedule?
           There are a couple factors that will affect my participation in class. The new schedule is of course a huge factor for everyone including me. It will take some time to get accustomed to it. The other minor factor I might have is I don't own a printer and it might be a bit more difficult for me to find somewhere to print my assignment.
  1. Think of an awesome best ever learning experience that changed you. What did you learn? Where were you? What happened? Who else was there? Did it teach you anything about how you learn (or pay attention... or remember, or think?) How did you know what was happening? 
           An awesome learning experience I was lucky enough to go through was in eighth grade in my Home Ec class. My teacher Mrs.Cairns was somebody that everybody loved. She was always happy and always took the time to get to know everyone of her students personally. She taught me the right way to live life and that is to always be happy no matter the circumstances and always treat everyone exactly the same no matter who they are. 
  1. What are you most [excited/concerned] about in this class? What do you look forward to in learning?  How do you think I t can/will make a practical difference in your life?
          I am excited about reading some great novels in this class. I look forward to being able to learn plenty of things about the human culture and universal themes that I can apply to my life. One area of concern is the essays we will have to do in this class since I believe English is my weakest subject. I believe you will make a practical difference in my life by teaching me to become a better writer and making me like English class by you making it interesting.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

<iframe class="vine-embed" src="https://vine.co/v/M3dQg5ArQbg/embed/simple?audio=1" width="600" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe><script async src="//platform.vine.co/static/scripts/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
     All my life people thought I was only good for one thing. They believed all I could do was use my good looks to sit around and look pretty. I was inspired to make this vine to show the world I'm much more than that. I wanted to prove the stereotypes surrounding me wrong and show everyone just how well rounded and versatile I am as a person. I hope my story lives on, inspiring other kids just like me in their fight to show the world that we're much more than just a pretty face.